PT-10348 System Setup: Rewrite the Barcodes Listing Page in Angular
PT-10349 System Setup: Rewrite the Barcode Details Page
PT-10351 Convert the SetupIdentifi.aspx page to Angular
PT-10352 System Setup: Rewrite Manage Security Profiles Page in Angular
PT-10381 System Setup: Rewrite the Doc Type General Tab
PT-10383 System Setup: Rewrite the Doc Type Attributes Tab
PT-10385 System Setup: Rewrite the Doc Type Security Tab
PT-10768 Entity API: Build a set of APIs for Real Time updates to Entity Records
PT-10998 System Setup: Rewrite Security Profiles Details Page in Angular
PT-11002 Document API: Provide the ability to update a Document Attribute
PT-11008 Angular Rewrite: Replace Default.aspx Page
PT-11015 Update the eSign package cancel message to indicate that any signatures on the documents will be lost if canceled
PT-11092 Modify online esign to integrate with Lexis Nexis for Knowledge Based Authentication as Equifax has discontinued their services
PT-11109 Modify the OLE Details page to accomadate the field differences between what Equifax needed for KBA to what Lexis Nexis needs
PT-11147 OLE Details: Remove the validation for duplicate email addresses across receipients within the same package
PT-10991 Font substitution issue when adding MS Office documents to Identifi
Upgrade Notes:
1- When upgrading to 11.1, client machines must either reinstalled the machine wide installer for eSign & eReceipt or manually install the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 Redistributables(v 12.0.40649.5 or above)
2 - If you have client machines which are also running the MS Teams system wide installer or any other piece of software that uses a Squirrel Machine Wide installer you may encounter issues when a new user logs onto that machine and multiple Machine Wide Installers are trying to installer their own software at once. You can contact our support team to see if there are some workarounds we can implement to help.
3 - For all Uplink users, please ensure that your Multi-Function scanners are scanning at a minimum of 300 DPI otherwise you may experience issues with the barcode reading post upgrade to 8.4.
Release Notes
1 - Citrix not supported
2 - Image Documents over 2000 pages must be downloaded unless they are COLD Reports
3 - No viewing support for Power Point 2003 or .rtf files.
4 - The side by side settings file used by all client installers must be in the same directory and not run from the downloaded ZIP file
5 - The targeted Microsoft .Net Framework is 4.7.2
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