Workflow Ad Hoc Routing / User Assignment Manual Override: In the current version of Workflow, default routing can be determined by a rule (i.e., “if this situation/then that person gets the item”), or it can be assigned to the Initiator or the previous user, etc.
This new configuration option will give a User the ability to directly route the item to another User outside of the plan’s inbound assignment rules, essentially “overriding” the default.
When this feature is enabled at the Action level, the Administrator will also be required to indicate which system users are available to be assigned at the time the action is taken. If the user taking the action would like to for the system’s inbound rules to be used, then they can just click the action button as they do today. This override feature is optional based on the needs of the user.
Workflow Started by the Arrival of a Document:
When a Workflow starts by the arrival of a Document, the Workflow Initiator we be assigned as the person who added the document to the system. This will allow for the use other features within Workflow related to the Initiated User (e.g. Inbound Rules, Reporting on Initiated user etc.)
There is another new feature of Workflow, which allows you to automatically relate a document to a Workflow item if that Workflow Plan’s General Key is the ‘Automatic ID’ Attribute. Designating an attribute as an Automatic ID will instruct the system to populate a unique and custom ID to the work item at the time of creation.
In the case of starting a workflow with the arrival of a document, if that document has that same exact Attribute as an index field, when the custom value is assigned to the Work Item’s Autoid attribute, that same attribute value will also be automatically applied to the Document’s attribute, thus automatically relating the two items together.
Workflow email to Initiator:
This new option within the Email Step Properties can be enabled to allow an email to be sent to the initiator of the Workflow item, in addition to any designated Users and/or Groups listed within that step.
Enhanced Dictionary Maintenance
Viewing Dictionary Usage across the Application
There is a new “Dictionary Usage” tab within Attributes.
This tab will display where, across both Entities and Applications, this Attribute is defined as a Manual Dictionary.
Each Attribute can be opened to view the individual values for each specific area.
Changes made to one will not affect the Value Count of the other (i.e., in the example below, three Values were deleted from the Entity Dictionary, and it did not affect the Value Count in the Application Dictionary).
Mass Add / Mass Delete - Allows the User to add or delete values within the selected Dictionaries from the list.
Sync Values -will synchronize the dictionary values in all selected dictionaries.
Import Features:
- We now provide the ability to mass import Manual Dictionary Values using a text file.
The import can also be performed from the “Manual” dictionary setting within the Application, under the Attributes tab:
- We now provide the ability to mass import Document Type and Barcode Code Recognition Values for a specific Barcode Format using a text file.
- Import Users: Allows for the import of a .csv file. A template is provided and can be downloaded for completion.
Reporting: Workflow Reports
Additional options added to the “Group By” drop down menu, allowing results to be grouped by the Attribute selected.
Multiple Workflow Plans can now be selected within the report Criteria:
Note: If multiple Workflow Plans are selected, the “Add Criteria” button is not available, and you cannot add custom attributes to the report results.
Also in this new version, all columns within the report results are now sortable.
Reporting: Tracking Reports
Tracking Set can now be selected as part of the Report Criteria. Previous versions allowed for only Document Type to be selected.
Online eSign:
KBA: If customer fails the KBA authentication, it will now be displayed within the package details.
In addition, an email will be sent to the Sender indicating that the authentication failed. Failure email includes the reason for the failure:
- “Recipient failed authentication.”
- “Recipient not found. The recipient was not found in the KBA provider database.”
- “Thin file. The KBA provider does not have enough information on the recipient to generate questions.”
Upcoming Highlights
Changes Coming in Future Identifi Releases
- Analytics Phase-Out
We continue the efforts to phase out Analytics by focusing on custom reporting needs. This process will continue throughout the year as we continue to improve the in-product reporting features and provide customers with other ways to access the data they need to make their business decisions.
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