Archive v24.2.0.12
Exporter v24.2.0.4
ClientApps v24.2.0.15
iDentifi v24.2.0.32
PT-12061 Document Search: Printing produces an error
PT-12062 Document Search Thumbnail View: Thumbnail Images are not loading
PT-12066 Errors when running Archive
PT-12084 Document Search Thumbnail View: Viewing throws an error when file is corrupt
PT-12092 Archive.exe not creating an error log
PT-12094 Archive.exe error - Transaction Exception when running the archiver in multi-threaded mode
PT-12103 Error when no documents are archived
PT-12105 Error when adding doc type to application
Upgrade Notes:
- Before Upgrading to 10.1, please make sure all your clients are running the 9.4 version of the identifi Software. If not when older clients initially connect to the 10.1 server it will fail to connect however the client should still be automatically updated. You might need to close the application and restart it to get it to launch the 10.1 version. The following older versions of the clients will not properly communicate to the 10.1 server upon initial Launch: Scan 9.1 or lower, Uplink 9.1 or lower, eReceipt 9.3 or lower, eReceipt
- Anyone that has the 9.1 or the 9.2 Machine Wide Installer running on their machine, you should upgrade to the 9.4 Machine Wide Installer. Anyone running version 8.4 or below is not required to be upgraded. This is is due to the introduction of a defect in the 9.2 Machine Wide Installer which was removed in 9.3. (Defect 8767)
- If you have client machines which are also running the MS Teams system wide installer or any other piece of software that uses a Squirrel Machine Wide installer you may encounter issues when a new user logs onto that machine and multiple Machine Wide Installers are trying to installer their own software at once. You can contact our support team to see if there are some workarounds we can implement to help.
- For all Uplink users, please ensure that your Multi-Function scanners are scanning at a minimum of 300 DPI otherwise you may experience issues with the barcode reading post upgrade to 8.4.
Release Notes
- Citrix not supported
- Image Documents over 2000 pages must be downloaded unless they are COLD Reports
- No viewing support for Power Point 2003 or .rtf files.
- Annotation support replaced by page number linked Notes
- The side by side settings file used by all client installers must be in the same directory and not run from the downloaded ZIP file
- The targeted Microsoft .Net Framework is 4.7.2
- For the purposes of collecting signatures from Desktop eSign or eReceipt, the only signing devices that are supported are the Topaz standard signature pads. We do not support any touch sensitive devices.
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